Moto Media

Get to know ... Meghan Rutledge

Kawasaki’s Meghan Rutledge has twice won the Australian Women’s Motocross Championship, in 2011 and 2012. Meghan was also three-time Australian Junior Motocross Champion.

Whether it's her work with Foundations, tearing up tracks around the world or hitting the slopes for some snowboarding, it is no doubt that Meghan lives a busy lifestyle.

In this week's instalment, Meghan talks to MA about her achievements to date, all at such a young age while touching on life of the track.

Joining forces with Aim for the Stars Foundation, targeted to supporting and encouraging young female athletes, Meghan has cemented herself as a role-model for young women right around Australia.

Q1 – Give us a brief about yourself. How old? Where are you from? How long have you been riding?

My name is Meghan Rutledge I am 18 years old, live in Picton NSW and have been racing for 14 years and I have loved every second of it.

Q2 – Backing up three junior Australian MX Championships, you have followed this up with 2 consecutive senior crowns. How does it feel to cement yourself as Australia’s premier Female MX Rider?

I'm very proud of these achievements, but feel that I have more to achieve, it has been my goal for many years to one day become World Champion

Q3 – You have done some work with the Aim for the Stars Foundation. How have you found playing the role as a role-model for so many young female athletes?

Layne Beachley and the Aim for the Stars Foundation are a great organisation it has been a great honour to involved with them.

I really enjoying being a role model to not only young females but to all upcoming athletes.  Being competitive and wanting to be the best is tuff in any sport, but hopefully I can help these young athletes realise that all the hard work and dedication is all worth while, by achieving my own goals. 

Q4 – It is commonly overlooked at how fit riders have to be. Talk us through an average week’s training for you.

I go to the gym twice daily up to four times a week, doing both strength and cardio, I also do Yoga once a week. On the weekends I'm not racing I train on the bike, I would love more training time on the bike but due to work commitments that's not always possible

Q5 – Taking on the world’s best in the Women’s MX World Championship this year, how well-positioned do you feel to make a run at this year’s championship?

I have been training to my full potential and believe I am ready to take what ever challenges get thrown my way. I'm really really looking forward to this experience and believe I will learn lot from it.

Q6 – Enough about riding, what do you do when not on the bike to help you relax and unwind?

There isn't much time to relax with my schedule but to unwind I love to spend time with my two year old niece although it isn't that relaxing, its great fun. I also enjoy water sports in summer and snow boarding in winter.

Copy and photo courtesy of Motorcycling Australia