Moto Media

Mercer all set to go

Even the Mini's track has had a makeover.

Mini Track again showing the widening.

The big Komatsu can certainly shift some sand (yes, this is sand) as Scott Willis reshapes the northern-most berm. Top centre you can see one of the three new drop-offs.

At the top-right is the down-ramp of that drop-off.  Note the new drain pipes at the bottom right to drain that section where water has been a constant problem.

No sooner than Tony Cooksley and I had laid these pipes ....

... than Scott Willis had buried them.

This is the down-ramp of the centre section dropoff.

The section closest to the Motorway has always been prone to flooding but no longer.  The new bulldozer quickly cut a water catchment area - yes, the pipe was raised before finished!