Moto Media

PukeMX's annual move from Harrisville to Mercer

The arrival of Winter means only one thing for MX riders - the shift to the Mercer Sand Track.  From June to October PukeMX holds practice on the first Saturday of the month at Mercer from 11am to 4pm.  The only exception is the season opening practice on Queen's Birthday Monday and expect up to 250 riders, including Minis who have their own track.

7-8 months away from Mercer means two things - weeds and rain ruts.  Last Friday, Track Manager Tony Cooksley, had the Club's D41E Komatsu shifted down so that he can prep a practice track.

Firstly, Tony himself has some news.  He said he's stood down as the MXoN New Zealand Team Manager after 3 years. 

"I have enjoyed my 3 years but I want to do my own thing.  MXoN is on 29 September and soon after getting back I would have to leave for California for the MTA World Vets Championsip at Glen Helen on 2-3 November.  I don't have the time to be away from my business twice."

"Mercer will be basic for the 3rd of June (Queen's Birthday Monday holiday) because of the numbers.  I have been working on widening the track where it needed to be and sorting the drainage.  For Club Day on the 16th we'll have a big sand drop-off plus rollers on the back straight. Having the big bulldozer down here gives us the ability to make changes fairly quickly."

A walk around the sand track was surprising in itself, in what has happened since bikes were last there.

Corner closest to the Motorway - Tony (in the bulldozer) said the blackberry was 2 metres high!!

Murray Aarts mows the weeds on the start straight with his own tractor.  Murray has just joined the PukeMX Committee

Rain ruts are massive and good indicators as to where the new drain pipes should be.

The light green grass is where the Flaggie stands at the mid-section right-hander blind corner.  The track there used to be 1-2 metres below that.