Moto Media

Motorex KTM bringing the red plate to Murray Bridge

Last year’s runner-up Todd Waters got his 2013 season off to a flying start a fortnight ago at Raymond Terrace when he qualified fastest, won the Go Pro Super Pole by more than a second and then dominated both MX1 championship legs.

His reward is a 15-point advantage entering Round Two, and on the Murray Bridge track Waters favours, it’s possible he’ll be just as hard to catch.

His team mate on the new-look, fully in-house KTM motocross team Kirk Gibbs suffered a trying series opener as he battled the effects of a shoulder injury, and with two weeks more recovery time and another race outing at last weekend’s Sunshine State round at Hervey Bay under his belt, he hopes to be able to ride much nearer potential.

Rob Twyerould - Team Manager: "Our approach will be no different this weekend, winning the opener is well and good but there are still another nine rounds left and the boys have prepared very well at the Sunny State round last weekend. Todd has made some more improvements to the bike in the last two weeks and will enter the race with a very positive outlook aiming for his absolute best on the day. Kirk has improved greatly with his shoulder recovery and managed to ride two classes and four good solid motos on a very rough track at the weekend. I’d look out for a much higher level this weekend than we saw at the opener. It hasn’t just been the riders working hard between rounds either, the boys in the workshop, Kyle and Ryan have worked very hard and put in some really big hours to get the new truck setup finished, the race bikes prepared and practice bikes built for the boys who are staying in SA after the race.”

Todd Waters - #47: "I’ve been resting up a bit, but I got a good result at Hervey Bay and my speed is right where I want it to be. We’ve also improved some more little things on the bike here and there so I’m happy to keep challenging myself and moving forward. Murray Bridge is my favourite track and I enjoy riding it so I’m glad we’re going back there and I can’t wait to see how we go. I’ll do my best and if that gets me to the top step then so be it. Last weekend no one knew what anyone’s level was, so I’m sure there’s been a lot of hard training and testing going on and I’m definitely hoping for some great competition this weekend. I’ll be racing every weekend for months now; I’ve set myself up with a heap of little races to keep the ball rolling because I always like to race as much as I can - nothing beats lining up behind the start gate!”

Kirk Gibbs #5: "It’s great to be going to Murray Bridge. Everyone keeps saying is my home track, and I know it well, but in fact where I lived was nearly four hours away so I’ve only ridden there a handful of times more than anyone else. It’s going to be great to see the faces though, to be there and just surround myself with the people I grew up with, put my head and my down and bum up and point the thing towards the finish line. It’s hard to know exactly what to expect from the shoulder this weekend. It’s feeling pretty good. Not 100 percent yet but pretty close to it. I raced a sunny state last weekend which was good just to see where I was at - I was a bit tight early on and I pumped up a little at one point, but it’s still like night and day compared to how it felt at Raymond Terrace so we’ll see. Over the next couple of rounds it'll come back to 100%."