Moto Media

Backflips NZ MX Champs - Top 30 Overalls

A total of 72 entries in this most popular class with more coming next year.  A 47 point series win to 56 year-old Tony Cooksley who announced that this was his last Senior Nationals - he will stick to the Vets from now on. Tony should have been on the Taupo podium but crashed heavily in the third Moto.

MX3 Round 4 Taupo's Podium:  L to R - Darren Capill, Chris Power, Jamie Lamont.  Overalls Podium were presented on Sunday evening.

Only 1 point in it between the two Yamaha riders for the overall.  Blackburn is going to Australian for the Under 19's.

National 125 Round 4 Taupo's Podium:  L to R - Cameron Vaughan, Logan Blackburn, Hadleigh Knight.

Deserved win by Scott Columb.  Carter didn't have a lot of luck especially with his starts but showed at Taupo how fast he can be.  Great to have the Aussies here - perfect for their season start in two weeks. The most competitive of all the classes, right through the gate.

MX2 Round 4 Taupo's Podium:  L to R - Rhys Carter, Ryan Marmont, Scott Columb -who holds his #1 plate aloft.

Cody Cooper a 48 point win over two of Australia's best - although Mackenzie is actually a Scotsman.  Excellent 4th for 36 year-old Daryl Hurley.

MX1 Round 4 Taupo's Podium:  L to R -  Todd Waters, Cody Cooper, Billy MackenzieCoops also holds his overall #1 plate