Moto Media

Ken De Dycker interview - preparing for 2013

Ken De Dycker - Ray Archer image

Antonio Cairoli totally dominated the second part of 2012 and everyone including De Dycker could do little but sit back and watch the six times World Motocross Champion show just how good he is.

This winter De Dycker is working hard with Cairoli and can see the improvement in his own speed due to the competitive workouts.

Geoff Myer asked De Dycker a little about his experiences with KTM and what it will take to be Belgium's first World Motocross Champion since Steve Ramon back in 2007.

How would you compare KTM to your other factory experience at Suzuki?

I consider this similar to Suzuki, the team situation, but with Suzuki I was younger and CAS Honda was privateer with help from the factory. I have had a couple of poorer seasons and now I feel wiser and my concentration is much better. I am fitter than ever before and this team and bike is the best thing I could have for 2013 and the best thing there is.

You always seemed to lack something to get to the next level. In the past were you as well prepared as you are now?

No, not really, I think every year when the season stops I look forward to the new season and I always train hard in the winter, but the past years we didn't have the material and I didn't have the good attitude because of that, and we didn't have good training. This year, with Claudio De Carli and everyone at KTM we have everything we need to succeed. There is nothing missing in preparation and we can finish first and second.

Belgium hasn't had a World Motocross Champion since Steve Ramon in 2007. Do you think about that at all?

I don't think about the history, I am just thinking about how I can prepare for the season and improving all the time. The year I stay the same, I can better retire. I feel I am learning more and more and am getting better and better and that is all I care about.

What do you need to do to beat Antonio in 2013?

I have to work harder to get to his level and do more in preparation than he does, but everyone is beatable and if I feel I can't beat him then I should stop racing. I feel as though we can have some good close races in 2013 and I hope we can have some good battles and I can come out on top.

What about Clement Desalle, he is Belgian like you and he is also in a position to fight with Antonio, but last year he lacked something. What is your opinion of Clement?

I think Clement didn't have much luck in 2012 and in 2011 he had the injuries. For what he does and how he is, I see him as being motivated, he might relax more as he gets older and I think that will help him and he has a good shot this season. He has raced with Antonio and beaten him, and Clement is somebody who really works hard and doesn't give up.