Moto Media

Catching up with ... Tony Cooksley

You missed the Honda 2012 Summercross – how many years was that?


That would have only been the fourth one I have missed since it started.  I had entered, accommodation booked and all set-to-go but a big contract we have been involved with, needed somebody at short notice on that Sunday and it was my turn.


In the results you commented on Stacey Olderman, who came 3rd in the Vets 35-44 yrs Class behind Darryll King and Darren Capill.


Yes, I would have loved to catch up with Stacey.  I believe he lives in Western Australia now. Back in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s he was one of New Zealand’s top Junior racers. Around ’91 he rode GPs in Europe for Sylvain Geboers on a RMZ250.  From memory his season came to an end when he broke his ankle.   He was a brilliant rider, one of the most naturally talented we have had.  He was as good as Chad Reed.  Around ’94 he was back here with Race Team Yamaha and was up there with Shayne and Darryll. 


At Summercross you were entered on the YZ450 ?


That was my Pro Circuit bike that Shayne King organised for Darryll King to ride at Glen Helen last year.  It was to be my last ride on it as I have sold it.  Glad I never got it destroyed in that slop.


Replacing it with?


I’m going back to a YZ250 2-stroke – should never have left it (laughs). It’s not any quicker, or slower, but it’s more fun.  I have it already and working on it.  It will be the same engine that Chad Reed had in 2005 – the YZ250Si.  I already have the ‘factory’ cone pipes from a Dutch race team.  Van de Laar Racing in Holland have developed a special conversion kit for Yamaha 2-strokes. With a new rear subframe and a special fuel tank the 2-stroke Yamaha completely converts the appearance to that of a 2013 Yamaha 4-stroke. That and suspension performance parts arrive from Europe next week – can’t wait!


                     Chad Reed's 2005 YZ250Si                                                   A Van de Laar YZ250 - Tony's will be blue

2012 was not a good year for you?


My crash at Mercer on Queen’s Birthday Monday last June ruined that year for me.  I‘m about 80% back to full physical fitness.


Any plans for retiring?

Never (plus an indignant look)


You’re in charge of the Harrisville track for Pukekohe Motorcycle Club’s Round 3 of the Nationals on 10 March, what have you got in store for the riders?


Trying to get the mulch and watering sorted for more racing lines with passing.  The new D41 bully has replaced the D3 which has been sold and is being operated by Scott Willis. This means we can go wider and better maintain the jump faces and landings.  We will only have #1.5 out the back and a few technical sections. We are a little bit restricted where we can place the track as March is our driest month and we have to be able to irrigate it.  We have sorted the problem where the start-line was over-watered last year. It’s important that we put a track together that suits the majority, not just the front runners.


Your plans for 2013?


I would love to do the American Vets at Mammoth Mountain in April but I am definitely doing the American World Vets at Glen Helen in November.  Plus I will do the NZ events, not sure about the Nationals at this stage.