Moto Media

Harrisville set to go for the 2012 Elf Auckland MX Champs

Two recent Motocross events suffered from diminished entries, namely Taupo’s Extravaganza over Labour Weekend and more recently the Waikato Champs. 

No different for the Pukekohe Motocross Club for the Auckland Champs on 17-18 November.  A month out and with only 133 entires for Minis, Juniors and Seniors the ‘executive’ of the Committeee made the decision to cut the entry fee to Club Day prices.  $60 for Seniors and $50 for Juniors/Minis. If you were a Club Member deduct $15 for Seniors and $10 for Minis and Juniors.  If you are using your own transponder, deduct another $10.  That could bring a Senior entry down to just $35 – same as a Club Day.  Scrap the ‘late entry’ fee and leave entries open right up to race day.

One of the biggest event costs, timing, was brought inhouse.  The Club bought two cases of AMB transponders from the now defunct Franklin ATV Club which brings their total of ‘hireable’ transponders to 136.   The system was tested at the last Club Day and included live timing on-screen in the Clubhouse.  A few minor teething problems but the volunteer team made it all work well. 

Did the pricing work?  Yes, you would have to say it worked. 96 entries in the last 4 days alone and there has been another 6 this morning before 11am.  Puts a lot of pressure on the Secretary and Treasurer but they report numbers are up 20% on last year.

The Harrisville track itself.   Big changes were made before the Nationals to the Supercross section of the track – for those who haven’t been to Harrisville before that’s the eastern side of the track - as per the aerial photo below.  

Those changes, under the planning of Tony Cooksley, were made by Youthstream’s Track Manager Greg Atkins, aboard an 11 tonne D41 with a 6-way blade.  The Club’s own D3 is too small for the big jobs so the Committee went about raising funds to upgrade it. 

Some questioned as to why not a digger but as Tony pointed out, if you want to move a lot of dirt Greg Atkins says you have to have a big dozer.  Plus, when the Club needs a digger Peter and Katrina Ward (Katrina is on the Committee) have loaned one of their Ward Demolition diggers.  Case in point, the Mini track has just been extended and upgraded with new tabletop and a ski jump – some 18 hours on a Ward Demolition digger.   

Tony went on the dozer hunt with close friend and Club member Scott Willis who has been driving diggers and dozers for 30 years.  Through the Porter Group in Hamilton the Club has now purchased a Komatsu D41 6-way in a ‘sponsor’ deal $18,000 less than the next best priced one.  Tony’s business partner, Sam Fillmore of JFC, moved it from Hamilton to Harrisville, a cost saving of $500.  Add to that Komatsu are going supply parts at cost and Club member, Andrew Stewart of Elf Lubricants, is sponsoring the lubricants which in themselves are huge. Job done!

Whilst all this is going on, time is marching on towards the Elf Auckland MX Champs, so the Club (via Tony) employed Scott Willis and his own big digger.  He started on the Supercross section and brought it back to National’s standard.  The rollers had to be reshaped to take water to the outside of the track and a new drain added to disperse it.  He then moved to the back section and drained the entire gully behind No.1 and 1.5.  The track crosses it at least 6 times and it’s always a wet problem so Willis added permanent drains. 

Tony has had plenty advice what to do with the back section – some who know what they are talking about and some who don’t.  When the D41 arrived Willis set about fixing the back section.  He can make that new monster D41 ‘talk’ and wow, can’t it move some dirt.   The aim was to widen the track in most places with options on corners, but in general, making big improvements.  Tony wants to have track options open and to slow the riders down with some technical sections. 

Karl Power came in this week and brought his 4 tonner truck and Bobcat and distributed more mulch about the place.  

Much of the heavy rain that South Auckland has been getting has not been landing on Harrisville.  Since a dusty practice last Saturday Tony has spent hours sorting the various watering systems.  

We ‘walked’ the entire back section (in the Club’s Mule) yesterday before son Scott and I helped Tony set-up barriers and bunting.  Callem McCulloch had just finishing mowing and the place looked very tidy.  Graeme McNeil had obviously been there – the only one brave enough to mow the steep bank above No.10.

The entire track has been deep ripped to allow the water in.  From the start gates mulch has been applied at the holeshot corner and will hold up nicely. The left hander past and behind the start gates has been re-shaped.  Since the Nats the jump beside the Pine trees has been changed into a wider, bigger ski jump.  The first corner into the Supercross Section is better than it was at the Nats.  

Watering in the Supercross section is now more accurate and no more flooding. 

Once you come across the Finish the right-hander has changed and a berm as been brought in closer.  The up-ramp on the container jump has been re-faced as well. 

The other side of the container jump has been mulched and widened.  Instead of turning left for the step-up you now kink left right (narrowish and technical) and drop-off No.1.  That too has been widened right around the cambered corner and then you come up No1.5.  Watching Willis roll the steep face in the big John Deer was a little scary.  Landing area of 1.5 has also had a lot of attention and the spectator are has been made bigger.  You won’t be allowed to cross 1.5.

This is the up-ramp of 1.5 before it was rolled.  Notice the new drain across the bottom?

At the bottom of 1.5's landing you now turn left and back up the hill to a new right hander that takes you down and up to the revamped step-up.  Now if the weather is bad for the Juniors the entire section just described will be cut-out.  

The step-up now looks awesome and the viewing platform on the left has been extended for the spectators.  The easy route to the left has also been changed and those riders will not be able to cut across right for safety reasons – shouldn’t happen at Champs level but it does at Club level. 

That entire corner has been mulched and double bermed and as you drop down hill (pictured) it’s now twice as wide down to the bottom past the swamp is it’s over 10 metres wide - doesn't look it in this pic!

Now with an outer berm – to keep Sarah Elwin out of the swamp !!  You then climb up steep and drop-off at a 90° left where this pic was taken. 

There are some more surprises awaiting the riders out the back such as a new cutting - smack in the middle of this pic. It was wet here as the main had separated. It’s a longer back section now and the downhill before you sweep right to climb back towards the start is now much wider - no trouble passing up here.  Then it’s now like a double staircase to bring you to the top by the start-gates.  

Scott H and Tony are were in raptures about the entire back section and can’t wait to ride it.  Willis and the Komatsu D41 have done an awesome job.  Like all Committees, there is many people that make things happen.  PukeMX is no different, there are plenty of unsung heros.   Yes and then there's Dr Rosie and her team of Medics.

Alan Henderson