Moto Media

2012 NZ Vets’ and Women’s MX Champs this weekend

The 2012 New Zealand Veterans’ and Women’s Motocross Championships hit Marlborough this weekend with a bumper crop of the nation’s past and present champions all signed up to race.

The venue is Wadsworth’s farm, Fabiens Valley Road, Northbank, Marlborough, and the entry list reads like a who's who and who-used-to-be-who of the sport.

Marlborough Motorcycle Club spokesman Craig Douglas said the early forecast indicated that the riders could expect damp conditions on Saturday but the weather would clear for the final round of races on Sunday.

"It doesn’t really matter. This track can cope pretty well with any adverse weather. It’s the same venue that hosted the New Zealand Junior Motocross Championships in 2010, although we’ve re-sown it and fine-tuned it quite a bit since then.”

He said there would be three races for each class on Saturday and two on Sunday.

Home track advantage could be just what defending over-50 years’ champion Moston Wadsworth needs if he is to keep his crown. He had his work cut out last season fending off former veterans’ world champion Tony Cooksley, of Auckland, but not this year as Cooksley has only just returned from injury and Europe where he was Team Manager of the NZ Team at the MXoN.

Entries can be viewed at:

National Championship classes:

1. 30-34 years 0-200cc 2 Stroke & up to 300cc 4 Stroke
2. 30-34 years 201cc to open 2 Stroke & 301cc to open 4 Stroke
3. 35-39 years 0-200cc 2 Stroke & up to 300cc 4 Stroke
4. 35-39 years 201cc to open 2 Stroke & 301cc to open 4 Stroke
5. 40-44 years 0-200cc 2 Stroke & up to 300cc 4 Stroke
6. 40-44 years 201cc to open 2 Stroke & 301cc to open 4 Stroke
7. 45-49 years 0-200cc 2 Stroke & up to 300cc 4 Stroke
8. 45-49 years 201cc to open 2 Stroke & 301cc to open 4 Stroke
9. 50 + years All in
10. Junior Women 12-16 years
11. Senior Women 17-29 years
12. Women 30+ years

Support classes

13. 30-40 years all capacities
14. 40+ years all capacities
15. Junior Women up to 250cc 4 stroke
16. 17+ years Women all capacities