Moto Media

NZ Team to MXoN announcement imminent

2011 winners Team USA,  announced their 2012 Team on the weekend: Ryan Dungey, Justin Barcia and Blake Baggett.  Still a strong team even without Ryan Villopoto and James Stewart - if the latter was ever a consideration.

Yesterday Chad Reed announced that he will not be riding for Australia who were 3rd last year.  Their selection problem worsens with Brett Metcalfe breaking a wrist and a tibia four weeks ago.  Second guess it and I say Waters, Reardon or Marmont and in MX2 there is a wide choice but I would go with Luke Styke.  That is still a strong team. (forgot about Byrne!)

So what about Team New Zealand?  Several Facebook scribes have tried to lure out the punters.  Sportspro Racing tried and of some 1541 followers got two responses, both flawed.

Ben Townley has only just got back on the bike and is ruled out. 

Josh Coppins leads the Australian Nationals Pro Open (MX1) by 12 points with 480 points.  There are 2 rounds to go and Josh has to be my number one choice. Those next two rounds are this Sunday at Moree and next Sunday at Coolum. 

Back in 5th place, on 388 points is Cody Cooper.  Cody has had an up and down series but has won races.  He is my second choice. 

Mike Phillips has an indifferent Australian series and sits 11th on 188 points in the Pro Open.

Scott Columb and Justin McDonald are both very experienced, riding the Lites Class (MX2) in Australia.  They are both over 23 years of age which exceeds the MX2 rule.   Scott is currently 8th on 286 points and Justin 9th on 282 points. Either of these two can ride MX1/Open. 

If anybody (touch wood) had to replace a rider in the MX1/Open Darryll King would do a fine job.  We will see how he goes tomorrow (Thursday) in his first race of the FIM World Veteran's Cup at Matterley Basin in England.  His second and final race is on Saturday.

My biggest dilemma is MX2, which is, as already stated, is Under 23.

I have analysed all the stats going back to Summercross  between last Christmas and New Year.  The four round MX2 National Championship must set the benchmark and those results were:

Separate those Under 23s and you have:
  1. Rhys Carter
  2. Ethan Martens
  3. Jayden Jessup
  4. Kieran Leigh
  5. Kayne Lamont

Since then Lamont is making waves in Australia and leads their MXD Championship which is Under 19s.   Of significance, he is riding a 2-stroke which are not allowed at MXoN. 

Carter and Lamont went head to head at the Battle of the Clubs at Taupo on 26 May.  Lamont was a second quicker in Practice.  Carter was a second quicker in the Qualifying race.  Fastest laptime went to Carter by a mere .076.  Race 1 went to Lamont by 10 seconds but Carter had the faster laptime - 0.010!!  Race 2 was Lamont's by 18 seconds and Lamont's fastest lap was a second quicker.    Best lap of the day between the two was Carter's by 0.076.  

Carter rode the Lites (MX2) last round at Appin and 'raised a few eyebrows'.  He went 7-9-dnf.   Whilst not 'comparing apples with apples', as they were in different classes, Carter was half a second quicker than Lamont - but there was nothing in it.  The Appin track is narrow with few passing opportunities.

Carter will be at Moree this weekend as will Ethan Martens - now that will be interesting?

My choice would be Carter or Lamont.  Carter turns 23 at the end of the year so not eligible next year.  Lamont has just turned 18.  He's currently riding a 250 2-stroke so can he adapt back to the 4-stroke?  Believe me, MXoN is tough racing and the Europeans have no hesitation in taking you out, as I witnessed in France last year. Ask Joel Doeksen? 

The point about MXoN is that MX1 and Open 'carry the can' and the MX2 carries less importance, as they race against each other.   If there's a Team problem with their MX1/Open rider or bike, then the MX2 points becomes very important. 

With all that in mind, I would go for Rhys Carter.  

Alan Henderson.