Moto Media

Christophe Pourcel – The Question Mark

Former World MX2 Champion Christophe Pourcel of the Team CP377 Monster Energy Kawasaki Pro Circuit seems to be the big question mark, as the FIM World MX1 competitors begin their last preparation for Valkenswaard, Holland on Easter Monday.

Christophe Pourcel at 2011 MXoN - Alan Henderson image.

After his stunning performance at the 2011 Monster Energy FIM Motocross of Nations where he nearly put France on top of the podium, Pourcel has been hidden away working hard for his 2012 season. He did race one French International a few weeks ago, and showed good form, although his lack of pre-season races does cast some question marks about his preparation for Valkenswaard in less than two weeks’ time.

Ask anyone and many will tell you the Frenchman is one of the most talented Motocross riders in the World. Former World Motocross Champion Dave Thorpe has always been impressed with Pourcel and recently mentioned that only Pourcel will know if he is prepared for Valkenswaard or not, and all the forum talk, or journalists having their say will mean nothing come Valkenswaard.

If you ask defending World Motocross Champion his opinion of Pourcel is that the Frenchman is one of the best riders he has raced and he enjoys battling with the Kawasaki mounted hero.

I remember approaching Christophe at one of his first races back in Europe and asking for an interview. In his typical shy way he asked why I would want to interview him (referring to the hard time the press had given him on his return). I mentioned that I believed in him and his cheeky grin turned into a smile and he invited me to do the interview.

Christophe Pourcel - Kawasaki image

What I do know about Christophe Pourcel is he does things his way. Shy and nervous around people, he is often misunderstood. He has been through hell and back with his spinal injury and his two losses in the AMA MX Lites series in 2009 and 2010 really must have crippled his confidence.

I often think back to a moment in 2007 the year after he had won the World MX2 Championship in a bitter battle with Cairoli. Pourcel wasn’t travelling that well in 2007 and didn’t look anywhere near the rider who had beaten the Italian a year earlier. It was at the Grand Prix of Sweden and on the Saturday night I ventured into one of the riverside cafes. It was around 11pm and while the bar was full of beautiful blonde Swedes, I couldn’t help notice Pourcel standing by the bar with some friends. He saw me watching him, smiled and continued his evening. No doubt enjoying life and not letting the pressure of Grand Prix Motocross disrupt his lifestyle.

Now in 2012 he has to return to his rightful place as a series contender, and with an MX1 class loaded with possible GP winners, it is not going to be an easy job. If one rider can return from the depth of his poor form and return to winning Grand Prix’s and taking World titles it is the elegant Frenchman.