Moto Media

2012 NZ Motocross Nationals - Round 2 Patetonga

Footage of Tom Hughes bike on fire in the 3rd lap of MX1's Race 1.  A witness told Phil Smith (clmintiepics) that Tom endo'd and the fuel cap came off. The electric starter was firing and up it went. 

Tom's dad Andrew (aka Huggy) emailed Moto-Media; "Tom didn't know what to do, he thought it was going to burn to pieces. Tom and two bystanders ended up throwing dirt over it to put it out - could have been a lot worse. Might be a good time for MNZ to enforce extingishers at all flag marshall points.  Just to let you know Toms in MX1 on a KTM450 - you put MX2 in the caption (fixed - Alan H.) Thanks to KTM NZ, AFC Motorcycles, Crown Kiwi and Graphics HQ he will be at Puke for Round 3.  We thought Round 1 was bad with 2 punctures, 2 broken linkage bolts and a collapsed stuff.  Great videos of MX1 and MX2, love checking into your site keep up the good work."