Moto Media

Xavier Boog - King of Strasbourg

Already winner of the European round in Marseille earlier this winter, Xavier Boog proved in Strasbourg (North/East France) his ability in Supercross even if he doesn’t have so much experience.

Xavier Boog:  "Before Marseille my last Supercross experience was five years ago, as I was more focused on Motocross since I came to the GP’s. But I never really stopped practicing on Supercross tracks, as in France its part or our culture to do both."

Boog was the star in this first ever Supercross organised in his native Alsace. For the public of the event he was the hero, like rally car driver Sébastien Loeb several months earlier during the Alsace rally. "The last time I raced in my region was maybe six or seven years ago, when I was racing at the regional level. To see this crowd so enthusiast was great, and I was so pleased to see them happy when I won the event” continues Xavier who had some tough battles with European SX champion Cédric Soubeyras.

Despite a lack of Supercross experience, Xavier was the main rival of Soubeyras on both days. Runner up in the ‘American final’ on day one, Xavier got the holeshot in the main event; but his rival was stronger in the whoops sections and passed him to win the race. The second night was pretty similar with another second position for Xavier in the ‘American final’ behind Soubeyras, who got a better start in the main.

Only sixth at the first corner, Xavier came second within three laps and started to reduce the gap with Soubeyras who did a mistake and crashed! Xavier got the lead, and despite the pressure of his rival kept his advantage until the finish flag.

"What a race! The crowd was so noisy to support me; it’s an incredible feeling to see them so happy! The track was nice with some technical sections, and it’s only in the whoops that Soubeyras was stronger; I don’t have enough experience to enter this section wide open, even if I was more confident the second day. When I saw Cedric on the ground I knew that I had a chance to win, and I did my best to keep him behind me; winning here after Marseille is a great experience, and I hope I will be able to do more Supercross in the future. In SX you need to be at 100% as soon as the race start, and I think that it’s a good training for the GP’s as sometimes I need several laps to take the rhythm. I want to thanks the team for their support, they’re working hard as well as Japan and KMC; during the testing session one month ago I was impressed by their investment. The bike we raced the GP’s this season was already very good, but they bring so many new parts to test that our new KX 450 F will be even better. Now I will have a short break, and early in January we’ll go with my trainer Didier in the French Alps to start our physical program” ended Xavier, who will do his first 2012 race in Valence (France) on 19 February alongside his new teammate Gautier Paulin.

Copy and photo courtesy of KRT.