Moto Media

Cody Cooper in pictures

Phil Smith is an 'amateur' photographer and dad of MX twins - Grace (G-Race) and Sophie (Snowflea).   Phil recently purchased a Canon 1D, the very best of cameras which retails for around NZ$7000. He uses Canon lenses, a 'fixed' 400mm lens and a EF70-200mm F/2.8 lens.  For close-up pics he uses his 'old' camera, a Canon 7D. Phil uses a top of the range flash.

Phil has taken MX photography in NZ to a new level. He sells his work via a website: 
www.clmintiepix.photoshelter. com

Guy Maxwell trades as Madmax Photography and is based in Rotorua.  He has a Canon 7D and specialises in closeups using an 18-55mm short lens. Guy also uses a flash.

See Guy's other pics on his Facebook page:  http://www.madmaxphotography. com/fb

Nikita Gillard is a 'sometimes' rider and sister of Blake.  Kita is a Tourism and Travel student and now taking her photography serious - 'she has a good eye for it.'  She uses a Nikon D200 with a Nikon 70mm-200mm lens and a flash.

Kita and has just set-up her own website.

My turn - Alan Henderson.  I have a two year old Canon 40D that cost $2460 and mainly use a Canon EF70-200mm F/2.8 lens that was then retailing for $2500. I sometimes use a 2 times lens extender which gives you about 400mm but you need a monopod to steady it - too cumbersome for MX.  For MX or Motorsport I prefer to use it in 'idiot mode' as I find with manual settings you miss too much.  I own a flash but don't use it. Here's my contribution.

Phil Smith also sent in this amazing MX2 pic.

#15 is Blake Gillard and #909 is Hamish Dobbyn.  #1 behind them is DK and #43 is Josh Bartosh.

I was further down from Phil - with a bit of 'tweaking' I can achieve a similar effect.  That's Rhys Carter that has gone down.