Moto Media

Dirt Day Afternoon

Blake Gillard

A group of us had just finished demolishing the 'tin' toilets near the Mini track. The second sessions for the A group was out and I grabbed my camera and went down to the container jump where Martin Collins was standing.  Martin is the 'M" in the CMR Red Bull KTM Race Team.  As Blake came over the container jump (above) Martin said; "Watch Hayden (Clark) up the step-up", which is the next jump over.  He pulled such a big scrub up the face that, at the angle where we were standing, his back wheel was actually further forward.  Martin laughed and said; "crazy".  Just as I got down onto the step-up the checquered came out.

Steven Cunha and Carl Anderson.

20 minutes later I was back on the step-up for the A's final session.  Using the above image I will explain.  Once over the container jump riders proceed west as seen in the top right.  They turn left and drop down a valley where you have two choices.  The inside is an easier line but to the right you have to hit the face at speed and it 'pops' you up onto the flat where you have to turn 180 degrees right and drop down the valley again towards jump No1.  No1 was supposed to be open but some over-enthusiastic Mini workers dropped a large tree over the track 15 minutes before practice opened.

Tim Gould - heard he smashed his wrist the very next day and has withdrawn from the Auckland Champs.

Derek Crane

Cameron Vaughan

Henry Griffith

Peter Broxholme

Cameron Huggins

Carl Anderson

Great sequence of Hayden Clark

Brandon Tipene

Jesse Donnelly

Luke Burkhart - been a while since we have seen him up North!

Daniel McNeil - yes that's him on the Auckland Champs poster.

Sean O'Connor

James Ainsworth

Kurtis Lilly

Not 100% but I think this is Jason Jones

Jason Holmes

Dylan Chetham

Hayden Clark again. Makes you hold your breath when tracking him through the lens

Tony Cooksley - not bad for 55!!! - he was soo close I felt the push of the air

Karl Power - enduro rider and ISDE Team member

Dave Atkins - tall bike for a tall rider, it's his Doeksen Space Framed KTM

Van Major

Craig Brown

Aiden Kiff

Aaron Cooksley

Jason Holmes again

This was Hayden Clark's last run.  He has a broken left small finger and hit it on an embankment

New timing hut on the Finish line, just in time for the Auckland Champs

New bench for the timing gear and stalls have since been purchased