Moto Media

An open letter from Harley Quinlan

With the support of the entire industry, Harley is on the road to recovery and has begun training to complete in hand cycle events. He's written an Open Letter to thank everyone who held him since the accident.

Hello All,

On November 9, it was 12 months since my accident and I have recently been trying to write letters to thank people individually for the support, encouragement and belief everyone has given me since November last year. But the amount of letters required was massive so hopefully, this can get to the people that I have missed or have been unable to reach.

I would just like to take this time to thank the thousands of people who have aided my recovery and been in contact with me since last year. I have had so many people show so much support and assistance to me that I don't know how to thank them or can ever thank you enough. So, through this letter I hope to pass on my sincere thanks on behalf of myself and everyone in the Quinlan family.

To give everyone an update on my condition, everything is going well. My body has settled down and I have been able to begin a regular training program with a view to competing in hand cycling events in the near future. I have been back to the races and watched the MX Nationals at the Queensland rounds as well as some local races here in Queensland. It's great to be able to see everyone and catch up again and their best wishes mean alot to me.

I get my track chair soon to start competitive hand chair cycling and have set some goals in the sport that I aspire to achieve. I have been involved with assisting other spinal patients with their recovery and also done alot of public speaking to school students regarding injuries like mine. I have been back to my home town of Biloela to give a talk and that fact that Iam alive, moving on and setting goals in my life is exciting. I can't wait to see what the future brings.

But again, thank you to so many people and hopefully one day I will be able to catch up with everyone face to face at some point and say it personally.



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