Moto Media

Round 2 of the European Supercross series, Marseille,

For all the French Motocross riders, Supercross is part of their life and even if they don’t race Supercross all of them practice during the season on Supercross tracks. Xavier never entered any SX race since 2005, but every year he spend time on practice tracks to improve his ability and riding style. He was not really a newcomer when he arrived in Marseille, for the second round of the European Supercross series, and just needed time to adapt to the layout.

Winner of his semi final on Friday, he finished both finals in second position to win the overall but did even better on Saturday. Runner up behind series leader Cédric Soubeyras in the first final, Xavier beated everyone in the second one to celebrate another overall win! He will probably enter some other SX races this winter, but now Xavier will prepare the traditional testing sessions alongside his new team mate Gautier Paulin and the Japanese Engineers.

Xavier Boog: "The track was finally wider and more technical than what I was expected, and it was a great experience! My mechanic Dominique just adapted my KX450F-SR that I had one week earlier in Mettet to Supercross settings, and after two training sessions on Southern tracks I was ready for Marseille. I felt better and better after the training sessions, I just needed time to find my rhythm on this new track. On Friday I got the holeshot in the first final, but Soubeyras passed me and won; I was fourth at the start of the second race and came back second, to win the overall classification. Saturday night was even better; I battled with Soubeyras for the win until the end of the first race, and I won the second one. I had a lot of fun, and it’s always a great feeling to win a race! I will enter for sure the Strasbourg Supercross later this year, but maybe I will do some more in Europe!”

Xavier Boog and mechanic Dominique. Copy and photo courtesy of Kawasaki Racing.