Moto Media
James Stewart

Backflips NZ Supercross Championship - Round 2

At Round 1 in Tokoroa, Queenstown’s Scotty Columb and Hawera-based Taupo rider Brad Groombridge were 1st and 2nd on the podium in the Senior Lites Class on a damp night under lights. It wasn’t until afterwards, that Columb’s performance was made more significant.

He had battled through the pain barrier. "I crashed my bike about a week ago and it just about blew my eyes out. I was in a heap of pain but I dug deep and managed to win the night here. That’s good,” said Columb.

On 30 December at the NZ Supercross Open (not part of the Championship) Brad Groombridge broke a collarbone and dislocated his shoulder. Then at Taupo yesterday, Scott Columb was a non starter. That now changes the complexity of the Championship with Craig Smith, Nick Saunders and Peter Broxholme moving up.

In the Senior Open it's Josh Coppins, Cody Cooper and Justin McDonald.

Looking at the results this morning, one can't help but think about all the manpower and effort that goes into it, for just 49 riders and that's including those with zero points. There was just 8 in the Junior Lites, 9 in the Junior 250, 9 in the Senior Clubmans, 12 in the Senior Lites and 11 in the Senior Open.

Senior Open - Taupo












Senior Lites - Taupo


























Junior 250 - Taupo























Junior Lites - Taupo




















Senior Clubmans/Support