Moto Media
James Stewart

Catch up ... with Tony Cooksley

Lucky for Tony, Wayne Gillard was quick to react and commenced CPR within 30 seconds of Tony's heart having stopped beating. Donna Phillips (Tipene) and Jolanda Doeksen shared the artificial respiration until the Paramedics were able to defibulate Tony, literally, back to life.

All the experts warned that those 10 minutes could result in serious brain damage. 72 hours later Tony came out of an induced coma and the only side effect is little memory of that day.

The 2007 World Veteran Motocross Champion then underwent an operation to insert a stent into the identified, damaged artery - a stent is like a spring out of a ballpoint pen that holds the blocked artery open.














14 November and here he is playing a ‘Happy Gilmore' on the Formosa Golf Resort during a short game with friends.

On the following Monday his GP gave him the clearance to go back riding – quietly - yeah right !!. His first stint was a ride at Ardmore on the Wednesday and then last Saturday (27 Nov) he was at Hampton Downs with friends and had four sessions on a Yamaha R6. A staggering 4 weeks after a near fatal heart attack.

Apart from tiredness he has no other side effects.

Yes, he has been back to see Wayne Gillard, who is Service Manager, at TMG KTM in Takanini. Tony took him a bottle of his favourite Canadian Club but Wayne was busy with the KTM Supercross Team over from Australia. He returned a week later and two had a lengthy chat.

Tony Cooksley: "I would like to thank everyone for their messages, best wishes, kind words and support. Special thanks to Wayne Gillard, Donna and Jolanda, the St John's crew and the Middlemore Cardiac Team. To all those riders who thought I was gone ... I'll be back – hopefully at Summercross.”

















                                How could you not remember ?  Jolanda Doeksen and Donna Phillips (Tipene) with TC.