Moto Media
James Stewart

This young lady deserves a medal.

Meet Katy Thomas.  Katy entered a competition to travel the world for 12 weeks making her own TV show as a Volunteer in 3rd world countries with the TEAR Fund. It was a Facebook project and friends and family etc wrote on the Facebook wall telling the judges why they should pick Katy. 

Big news is that Luke tells me she got into the Top 3 so let's see if we can give her that final voting 'boost' before Friday. To vote you need to login to your facebook:

1. "LIKE"
2.  find Katy's video on this page
3.  hit "VOTE" on her vid & share it on your wall 
If you don't have a facebook account, send an email to these addresses: &

In the subject line: I don't have a facebook account, but I vote for Katy Thomas!


Thanks for your support from Luke and Moto-Media