Moto Media

The Rasmus Jørgensen Story

'Don't you worry' - soon to be released by Scoob Media and presented by Foxhead Nordic and - follows the Kaduzz Racing Suzuki Motocross Team rider's fight-back to winning the Danish Championship after almost losing his arm in a road traffic accident in 2009; and after being told by doctors that he would never race again.

Jørgensen had just finished sixth at the World MX2 Championship round in Lommel, Belgium and was quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with, until his career was seemingly shattered. But against adversity he overcame paralysis - and also losing his father to illness - to fight back to the top.

This short-taster video of the film, made by Mathias Baltser/ Scoob Media/ Mikkel Wendelboe/ MX-IndeX/ Kaduuz Racing Motocross Team.