Moto Media
James Stewart

Coppins posts another Top 10 at Loket.

Edited copy courtesy of Glen Dempsey at Synergy-Sport

Heavy rainfall prior to the event forced organizers to cancel the Saturday qualification race to preserve track conditions which left Coppins with 18th position in the timed practice.

With track conditions drying somewhat but leaving a one-lined circuit, Coppins knew that a good start would be important for the first moto. Getting good drive out the gate he was positioned well but then a small mistake on one of the steep uphill climbs lost Coppins some valuable positions. He battled to make further progress from thereon in and had to settle for 13th position.

Another good start had Coppins in 8th on the first lap. He battled with Maxi Nagl and Ken De Dycker before losing touch. He managed to conjure up a fighting spirit towards the end of the moto when David Philippaerts was making his way through the pack from a crash. Coppins held off the Italian for many laps before crossing the line in 10th for 10th overall.

"It was actually a very tough weekend,” admitted Coppins. "We battled with bike set up due to the different conditions but as the weekend went on the team kept on improving the bike. I did not ride well in the first moto and battled to find my rhythm but I was much happier with moto 2 where I got to battle with David Philippaerts for a long time. I am looking forward to Brazil and then Lierop. I am really motivated to put in a good result.”

Photo courtesy of Synergy-Sport.