Moto Media
James Stewart

R.I.P. Les Keene

Les died suddenly at home on the morning of 23 April.  He was aged 45 years and he had a heart attack.  His funeral was in Whangarei last Saturday.
He was the loved Husband of Kerry, Steppy of Denver, Father of Mathew and Stacey (Invercargill), Poppa to Chaise (Invercargill).
Club Doctor Rosie Kingham:
"Les brought a wealth of knowledge from his 23 years with St John in the deep south, including attending many motorsport events. He had a passion for all things medical, especially trauma.
He seemed to have a knack for being at the right place even when travelling - coming across several major crashes. There are several people who owe their lives to Les, but would be oblivious to this.  At a motocross meeting he would tell me that he needed supplies of various things and when questioned why, with a grin from ear to ear, tell me in great detail how he had treated someone either at work or on the roadside.
Last year he asked me to write a reference for him.  I wrote:  "I find that Les has an exceptional grasp of the clinical aspects of the trauma we deal with, both minor and major and he has a calm and methodical approach with an ability to think outside the square. He is popular with the younger members of the team and is a logical and thoughtful teacher both trackside and in the treatment room.”
Les was much admired and respected by the members of the clubs and we will miss him. What the majority did not realise was he travelled to the events all the way from Whangarei . He did not have a good cardiac history and often went beyond the call of duty, doing many things he was probably not supposed to do.  A knee reconstructed (with no ligaments) and a cardiac history, he had the ability to climb or shimmy down steep banks, usually with his heavy Paramedic bag, attend to the patient and then miraculously get up the hill again.
Our thoughts go out to everyone touched by this loss.

Photos courtesy of Phil Smith (