Moto Media
James Stewart

Townley happy to be back at the GP’s

Much to the delight of his dedicated fans, the New Zealander was all smiles as Round 2 of the FIM World championship kicked off in unusually hot conditions over Easter weekend.

Although Townley’s return was earlier than expected, the CLS Pro Circuit Kawasaki team had realistic expectations for the Kiwi however, a grueling and demanding Valkenswaard track took its toll on even the fittest riders and Townley’s lack of bike and race time was eminent.

"I really didn’t expect to be here in Valkenswaard but after racing the British Championship last week the team and I discussed our options and we decided that we had to start at some point and this has been a good yard stick. The track was much rougher than anyone expected and with the change in weather and hot temperatures, it really created extreme conditions for my first GP back. It’s tough to race for 19th position knowing that I should be up front but its where I need to start and I’ve got to build from here, ” explained an optimistic Townley.

Townley opted to sit out the second moto, a decision supported by his team. "I definitely need more time to prepare and really appreciate the understanding and support that the team has given me. It’s also great to be back in Europe and seeing all my fans and friends has given me extra motivation to pick myself up off the ground. I’m realistic in my goals and there is so much more work to do but I look forward to the challenge and will do my best to get back to where I should be.”

With a two week gap in the GP calendar, Townley is looking to build on his race fitness before heading to California for Round 3 of the 15 rounds series at the Glen Helen raceway on the 14-15 May.

BT101 is back. Photo courtesy of CDS.