Thursday 07 April: ilabb's invite-only event was held at a private motorcross track where tuition on a bike was available - read on.
Guests’ expectations were more
than fulfilled at ilabb’s
second official ilabb
and Fox
ride day held on Saturday 2nd April.
The invite-only event was held
at ilabb's very own private motorcross
track; the ilabb
sanctuary, which was created to host the handpicked
group of iconic sports people and well-known personalities
who had never-ever (or only very rarely) ridden a motocross bike before. The
objective to showcase the sport to a new audience was clearly met with many
guests leaving the track talking about buying bikes!
The guest list of 70
ranged from fashion-focused personalities such as Huffer’s Steve Dunstan through
to the sporting scene with iconic sports personalities such as New Zealand drifter Mad Mike and top New Zealand
BMX'er George Bolter. For most guests it was their first
experience at a motorcross track let alone learning to ride a bike, while for
the sporting gurus it was a chance to cross sports and enjoy shredding it in a
different way.
To assist the virgin riders, the ilabb family including ilabbs branded
athlete (ilabbproud) ‘Nick Saunders’ was on the ground ensuring
everyone nailed the basics – from swinging a leg over, right through to
jumping the triple. Motorcross PlayStation games were also available for folks
to practice their technique on in between lessons. The whole day in the sun was
topped off with a pumping soundtrack thanks to the Red Bull hummer.
ilabb really wanted to show case
this event to support and help grow the motorcross industry, with getting a
crowd of fresh faces to experience riding a motorcross bike first hand. "Motocross
is often an inaccessible sport with only those heavily involved having the true
experience, which is why we wanted to bring it a new group of people to
encourage folks into the scene as both riders and spectators. This is our
playground and we want to share it with people.” said Matt Saunders, ilabb creative director.
passion for motorcross was certainly infectious judging by the smiles on
guests’ faces as they kicked it out on the tracks, grateful for the
chance to have a taste of the sport in safe but thrilling environment.
For more information
check out or to contact the
ilabb family direct: (09) 377 9432
Images supplied by
Clinton Tudor.