Moto Media
James Stewart

Kawasaki Racing Team was in Valence

Several months after a podium result during the last round of the 2010 World Championship, Sébastien Pourcel started his 2011 campaign with a podium during the International Motocross of Valence. 

As always Team KRT was in Valence with all the other top teams, ready for this traditional opening race. The small crash of Xavier Boog during the first heat was not important at all, but another rider hurt his leg; after several exams the X ray revealed a crack in his left tibia, and Xavier will have to rest during several weeks.

After this injury the team members were focused on Sébastien Pourcel and Jonathan Barragan and all were pleased to see how competitive was Seb who improved his results in each race; 8th, 3rd and 2nd, he confirmed to be back at his best level and scored a third position overall.

Racing for a top five result before the last heat, despite a damaged rear brake in Race 2, Jonathan lost all his chances when he crashed after the start of the super finale ! He lost too much time when he stopped in the pits to change his gloves, and ended the weekend in 10th overall.

Sébastien Pourcel: "I’m happy with my results as they were better and better through the day, despite two small crashes in the MX1 races. After the second one I had pain in one leg and was not in the best shape for the super finale, but I got a great start and had my best result in this race with a second position. I have more power in my shoulders now and I can ride the bike as I want; I’ve no problems with my speed, but needs to work on the endurance. We also need to work on the bike, which is so powerful that I had pumped arms today. Now I’ve two races in England before the first GP, one international and one British championship round”

Jonathan Barragan: "The first heat was good, I was 4th but in the second heat I had troubles with my rear brake when I was 6th. But the worst was in the third moto, I had a good start but touched another rider and crashed after a few corners; I had to stop in the pits to clean my gloves and goggles, then I came back in the race mainly to train. I didn’t want to take too many risks, the track was rough with some stones; but it was a good week-end, we change some settings on the bike and I’ve a great feeling with the 2011 KX450F-SR. Now I have three rounds of the Spanish championship to prepare the GP’s, and I’m confident”

Team Rockstar Bud Racing Lovemytime Kawasaki was back in action this weekend in Valence. Gregory Aranda and Davide Guarneri scored top ten results, while Dylan Ferrandis showed his speed in the MX2 class.

Starting the three races mid pack Gregory was consistent and regular with a 6th, a 6th and a 7th position which secured him a 5th position overall. Racing for the first time on Michelin tyres, Davide suffered poor starts – 16th, 18th and 20th – but recovered in all the races to finish 9th overall.

Involved in the MX2 class Dylan Ferrandis was among the fastest three riders on Saturday, but on the wet track it was harder for him due to his size; 3rd and 7th during most of the two races, he scores a 6th and a 16th position after several crashes and later retired in the super finale.

Gregory Aranda: "I’m pretty happy with the results, on Saturday I posted some fast laps but for the race a great start was too much important. I’m back on a bike since only three weeks and I want to take it step by step. I want to be fit for the first GP and not before, it would have been stupid to take too many risks as the track was rough with the rain. Now we move to Belgium where we’ll stay several weeks, we’ll come back just for the French Elite races”

Davide Guarneri: "This race was important for me to test the bike in racing condition, discover new tyres, and work on the settings of the bike including suspensions. We had a dry track on Saturday and some mud on Sunday, I improved the results all day long even if I hit the gate at the start of the super finale. I came back from twenty second to tenth and I was feeling good in this race; we know what we have to work in the following weeks, and during the coming weekend’s we’ll have good opportunities to prepare the GP’s during the Italian Championship”