Moto Media
James Stewart

Exciting track changes for Summercross 2010.

18 year old MX2 rider Scott Henderson reports:

Summercross attendance is always extremely high and with featured riders Josh Coppins and Cody Cooper in the mix,spectator levels mirror that. It's really a great day out for all, with a chance to soak up some rays whilst checking out the great racing.

The format for the racing sees the Juniors out first day which this year is on the Monday, followed by Seniors/Vets and Women on the next day – Tuesday. The inaugural VMX racing has been cancelled.

As always, the BOPMCC does everything they can to offer riders the best track possible. In previous years they have sent the Senior riders out into the Mini paddock right behind the back straight, to add another minute to the lap times and provide some fast grass track racing.

However 2010 the case is not the same. A new rhythm section has been created where the freestyle has been in the past, or in the case of last year, the kid's water slide.

So how does it work? I cruised out there to check it out….



Off the end of the back straight, where riders previously either went left into the paddock or did a 180 right back, riders will now be doing a 90 degree right turn straight into a large single just to slow things down. Once over this there is a seven pack of large rollers that looked kinda easy to double-double.


This is quickly followed by a massive 180 degree right hand berm. Then out of the corner the track crew have built a pop-over jump followed by 3 peaky singles - looks like were made to be doubled into and then singled out.


Following this in the most interesting part of the section with a very creative way to re-join the old track. It's a left hander which is cut into what used to be the small step-up jump after the back straight berm. The track crew have given riders the opportunity for riders to mix it up with a wide outside berm (the only option available to the Junior riders) but Seniors will have the added option of a step-up jump to the inside, which is not only a decent gap, but also must be hit on a good angle from right to left to get a good run on the big container jump that is to follow.

So now your thinking, pumped I got my entry in right? Heck yes, the new section is awesome and will provide some great challenges for riders and a great place to watch for spectators.

To all those who haven't entered… big mistake, the track is going to be better than ever and you're missing out. But it's not too late ! Although entries are closed  today, not all the classes are full yet so get onto and get an entry form printed and get it away ASAP!

See you there,

Scott Henderson